The Crawford-Marion Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Board (ADAMH) is a community-based system that has successfully created a network of mental health and substance abuse services—from prevention and counseling to crisis intervention and inpatient care.
The ADAMH Board monitors, evaluates, and plans for all publicly funded mental health and substance abuse treatment and prevention needs for residents of Marion and Crawford counties. It funds medication, case management, day treatment, and crisis services for individuals with severe mental illness; supports Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for those struggling with heroin addiction or opioid-based prescription medication; and supports counseling services by offsetting treatment costs that are not covered by health insurance policies.
Along the way, the name of the organization changed, as did some of its services, but the most significant change in the past decade has involved the opioid epidemic. ADAMH has seen the number of individuals addicted to prescription opioids and heroin grow each year, along with deaths from overdoses. They have seen families decimated from this terrible addiction. We’ve also seen the hope that comes with recovery as access to medication-assisted treatment has increased.
The partnerships with community agencies are substantial. In Marion, some of the most important work involves the three courts–Common Pleas, Family Court, and Municipal Court, along with the judges and probation staff. ADAMH’s understanding of addiction has increased and their willingness to be part of the solution to the opioid epidemic is clear and ongoing. Local organizations like the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Marion and Crawford Counties represent consumers and family members and provide a voice for the voiceless.
The ADAMH Board contracts with two agencies that provide treatment services. Marion Area Counseling Center (MACC) provides both mental health and addiction services and Maryhaven provides addiction services. Marion-Crawford Prevention Programs is the primary prevention provider in Marion County. The system has progressed from a single focus on mental health, to addressing compound problems impacting the entire community. The ADAMH Board has increased housing for individuals with serious mental illness from no units to 33, recovery housing from none to three different recovery houses. Recovery coaches and case management exists now to help individuals walk the path from addiction to recovery. In 1989, our system served about 1,500 people in Marion County. Last year, our two-county area provided services to well over 5,000 people.
The ADAMH Board receives 45% of its dollars for services from local levy funds. The Marion County levy generates about $1,000,000 annually. They are very appreciative of the community support for the levy and they work diligently to ensure these funds are spent in the most efficient and effective manner.
In Crawford County our child serving partners, schools, and Family and Children First Council have helped lead the way to increasing care for children and youth. ADAMH contracts with Community Counseling Services for mental health and addiction services and Maryhaven for addiction services. Marion-Crawford Prevention Programs is their primary prevention provider in Crawford County.
Through all the changes over the years, the purpose of the ADAMH Board has remained constant. Giving hope. Providing treatment. Teaching independence. Gaining peace of mind.
#MarionMade #WeAreADAMH