4-H Builds Leadership Skills for Life
As the largest youth development program in Ohio, 4-H enables youth to become contributing members of society by developing life and leadership skills in partnership with caring adults. With a focus on head, heart, hands, and health, youth have the opportunity to participate in develop their own pathway within the youth development program through a “learning-by-doing” approach.
In 2017, nearly 2,000 Marion County youth ranging from five to 19 years of age experienced 4-H youth development through community clubs, community events, after school and school enrichment, and camping programs, led by more than 100 adult and youth volunteers. Through collaboration with community businesses and organizations, the county’s 4-H Extension professional provides job skill and career exploration, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and agricultural literacy programming all year-round.
Why does 4-H matter? Youth who participate in the positive youth development program are four times more likely to give back to their communities than youth not involved in the program. They are also two times more likely to make healthier life choices and two times more likely to participate in science, technology, engineering or mathematics activities when they get older. The 4-H program continues to provide youth with unique, hands-on opportunities that help shape their career and life choices.
To learn more about 4-H or get involved, visit go.osu.edu/marionco4H or contact Margo Long at (740) 223-4040 or long.1632@osu.edu.
#MarionMade #WeAreOSUExtension #WeAre4H