Joy Bischoff is a life-long learner who truly believes in the power of education. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Ohio Northern University and a Master of Science in Nursing from Walden University. She knows that these steps have been critical to her success and leadership position. Bischoff is not only the chief nursing officer at Marion General but was recently appointed president of OhioHealth Hardin Memorial Hospital.
Bischoff has pursued countless leadership development classes on her journey. She understands the importance of learning and growing. Bischoff is committed to helping other nurses do the same.
Whether making rounds, attending a meeting, or talking one on one with a colleague, Bischoff can be found teaching and encouraging other nurses. Bischoff also frequently puts on her scrubs and works alongside her teams. She intentionally makes an effort to connect with frontline nurses; she strives to be a mentor, support them, and help solve problems.
Bischoff’s belief in helping others comes from her parents.
“My parents raised me to not only think of myself and improving my circumstances, but also to help others in any way that I can,” she said. “Sometimes I help with my time, sometimes my talent, and other times with monetary gifts. I have been blessed in my life through others and feel compelled to pay that back to the community that I care for.”

Bischoff serves on advisory boards at Ohio Northern University, Tri-Rivers Career Center, Marion Technical College, and Rhodes State College. Through these roles, she is able to contribute to nursing program curriculums.
Bischoff was a board member for Marion Matters and is a graduate of their Bridges Out of Poverty class. She also served on the Marion Area Chamber of Commerce Board and as co-chair for the Ohio Action Coalition Task Force. Bischoff received a PRISM award from OhioHealth for a drug shortage plan. The PRISM award is an internal OhioHealth award given to an associate or leader who goes above and beyond in one of their core values of stewardship, excellence, inclusion, integrity, and compassion.
“I won this award for leading a system team across OhioHealth that focused on the utilization of certain medications that had their supply impacted by a hurricane. This team successfully pulled together resources to ensure that all patients safely received required medications,” said Bischoff.
Three of Bischoff’s team members have recently achieved leadership positions with OhioHealth. Bischoff believes in the power of mentoring.

“I have a passion for teaching and developing others. I have been blessed with leaders who poured into my career and development and want to repay the kindness to others. I enjoy helping others think through problems and strategies that will help them advance both personally and professionally,” said Bischoff. “Mentoring fills my cup.”
Dr. Curt Gingrich, president of OhioHealth, said of Bischoff, “She practices inspiring, conscious leadership and empowering nursing team members to advance in their careers. She tells others that it’s critical to accept yourself the way you are. And you don’t have to be a victim to your circumstances,” he notes. “She truly feels that helping people see their potential and achieve their goals is the best part of her position!”
Bischoff also encourages her nursing teams to get involved in community service. They organize fundraisers to support local non-profit organizations in the Marion community. During her time at Marion General prior to the pandemic, Bischoff was able to reduce nurse turnover from 11% to 6% over five years, well below the national average. She accomplished that by strengthening a shared governance model, increasing compensation, and investing helped increase patient satisfaction scores.
Bischoff is hopeful for Marion’s future because of the renewed interest in economic development and the community prides she sees rising.
“This is truly a pivotal moment for this community, and it is exciting to be a small part of the journey,” Bischoff said.