When Julie Prettyman became the Marion Community Foundation program manager eight years ago, she made an immediate impact. Prettyman singlehandedly raised the bar of the foundation’s grant and scholarship programs by enhancing the online application experience.
Prettyman works tirelessly in her position to ensure that students, parents, and school personnel have all the resources necessary for scholarships. Additionally, she reaches out to Marion nonprofits and engages them in conversation regarding the services they provide to the community to see how the foundation’s grant programs may be beneficial to them.
Prettyman has established relationships with nearly all the charities in Marion County so that she can understand and address those needs. Her collaboration with local nonprofit organizations helps the foundation award and monitor grant programs.
Dean Jacob, president of the community foundation, believes Prettyman is a dependable leader.
“People know they can count on her to produce an outstanding work product,” said Jacob. “Community leaders know they can rely on Prettyman to be well-versed regarding the needs and services of our community and help match those needs with the appropriate services.”
Jacob adds to his accolades of Prettyman, noting she is hindered from participating in community organizations to the full extent her heart would probably allow.

“As an officer of Marion Community Foundation, she is prohibited from serving on most local boards and organizations to avoid any conflicts of interest. Otherwise, I am certain she would be highly sought by many community organizations,” notes Jacob.
Prettyman has been an active member of the Marion Rotary Club for almost eight years. She is also active in her church and coordinates the Foundation staff’s annual Christmas toy donations.
Prettyman is enthusiastically involved in the Marion County agribusiness community. She has served as the promotions chair for the farmer’s care breakfast for the Marion County Farm Bureau and social media co-chair for the Farm Bureau’s “Follow Farming” social media program.
With the important role Marion Community Foundations plays in the community, Prettyman has played a critical role in the community’s resurgence in recent years. She organizes professional development activities for women. She also mentors foundation interns, advises local nonprofit leaders, and is instrumental in the Youth Engaged in Philanthropy program. Behind the scenes, Prettyman has been known to help with childcare and transportation.
Prettyman is always one to go the extra mile without seeking the limelight.
Jacob said, “She focuses on whatever task she is doing and accomplishes it in an excellent way.”

“There are so many individuals and businesses in our community serving and giving to our community under the radar. In all sorts of areas, arts, health, and wellness, education, community development – the list goes on and on,” said Prettyman.
Prettyman has a passion for her service to Marion because of those with whom she works.
“In my position, I have the privilege of talking to and working with volunteers and nonprofit staff that are the hands and feet of our community,” said Prettyman. “Their passion is contagious.”
Prettyman believes others have an important role to play in Marion.
“I believe every person adds value and is important to our community. Because we’re each a unique part of the puzzle, it is really important that everyone gets involved,” said Prettyman. “Marion has examples big and small where involvement of a few people made a difference.”
Marion is heading in a positive direction, according to Prettyman.
“People that show up every day give me hope. Yes, I am hopeful because Marion is a community willing to do that simple act of showing up for others,” said Prettyman. “What a bright future.”