For more than 60 years, Marion Noon Kiwanis has held its annual Pancake Day, flipping thousands of flapjacks to raise funds for children’s causes. The most recent event served up pancakes for more than 1,000 people.
“It is great to see the community come together. From our sponsors to our volunteers to our attendees, it is a great day full of food, family and fun!” said Christy Neff, president of Marion Noon Kiwanis. “It’s a Marion tradition!”
Dennis Swartz organizes the entertainment, from toddler tots in dance routines from groups including the Martha Douce Studio, Diverse Moves, St. Mary’s School and the Marionaires Barbershop Group, with some members in their 90s. Each group volunteers their time and talents. Together, they raised $8,000 for children’s projects.

“We are so grateful to the community for it support. It is heartwarming to see so many come out and make a difference, year after year,” said Ellen Messenger, officer with Marion Noon Kiwanis.
Kiwanis History and Impact
Marion Noon Kiwanis was founded in 1921 by President-elect Warren G. Harding.

Each year, the Marion Noon Kiwanis Foundation donates thousands of dollars to many causes, including college scholarships for local students, the Explore-It-Torium Children’s Museum, Cents for Shoes, the Peanut Butter Jelly Truck and more local nonprofits serving the community. They also sponsor more than a dozen local service projects.

In addition to the adult group which meets twice a month to learn about local activities, programs, and nonprofits, they also sponsor a Key Club for high school students at Marion Harding and a Circle K at Marion Technical College.
More Information
Marion Noon Kiwanis meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Women’s Club Home at 1126 E. Center St. in Marion. Anyone interested in the group is invited to visit a meeting.
For more information, visit facebook.com/marionnoonkiwanis or go to their website at https://MarionNoonKiwanis.com/.