MARIONAIRES. For almost 40 years, Marion has enjoyed that uniquely American music, Barbershop, as the home of the Marionaires Barbershop Chorus. According to one its founding members, Duane Kline, the Marionaires has always been a group that welcomes anyone with the desire to sing. In fact, he says, the great thing about a barbershop chorus […]
Kensel Clutter
A Century of Marion History Kensel Clutter is a fascinating man, in the way that people driven by curiosity are often fascinating. Since his retirement from farming—and a stint co-piloting B-24 bombers in World War II—he has devoted his time, in large part, to the study, research, and documentation of local Marion history. His impressive body […]
Brock Meadows
BROCK MEADOWS. With a passion for helping people discover winning strategies that fit them personally–taking them from where they are, to where they want to be–Brock Meadows is a MarionMade success story in the fitness and nutrition world. Meadows’ entrepreneurial spirit started early. He graduated from Ridgedale in 1992 and Bowling Green State University in […]
Getting Ahead: Ken & Michelle
GETTING AHEAD EXPERIENCE AT MARION MATTERS. Here are Ken and Michelle. They are 2016 graduates of the Getting Ahead Experience at Marion Matters. Before Getting Ahead, they describe themselves as ‘working poor.’ They had just enough money to keep the utilities on, but not enough money for food, savings, or basic necessities. While at a Salvation […]
Bob & Dottie Wopat
BOB & DOTTIE WOPAT. . Operating under his lifelong philosophy to “never tell anyone how to do their job,” the late Bob Wopat and his wife, Dottie, left an open-ended legacy to the Marion community. And, neither was a Marion native. . Bob was from Missouri and Dottie from Nebraska; they first came to Marion […]
Dan Wigton
DAN WIGTON. My family moved to Marion in 1969 for a calmer place to raise the family. I was about to turn 13 in October. We moved from Oberlin, Ohio, a very liberal community, in the midst of the civil rights movement. My parents, the late Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Ted Wigton, DDS, had […]