By: Wendy Weichenthal I am proud to vote for Marion, Ohio, in the Strongest Town Competition. Why Marion? Because I believe in Marion and in the resilience, cooperation and creativity of this community. Growing up in Marion, I enjoyed biking through my neighborhoods and stopping at the Isaly Shoppe. My mother helped students from all […]
Berwick Pizza & Subs: Serving Up Tons of Toppings and Unique Flavor Combinations
Austin Buckland of Green Camp says he had a childhood worthy of Willy Wonka. “It was so much fun growing up here! The saying may be, ‘Like a kid in a candy store,’ but I was fortunate enough to be ‘the kid in a pizza shop!’ As a little boy in the kitchen, it was […]
Marion Competing in Strongest Town Competition
The Marion Community is going head-to-head with 15 other North American cities in the 10th Annual Strongest Town Contest. Marion has advanced to the Sweet-Sixteen this week and needs everyone in Marion, in Ohio, and around the country to cast their vote for us! In this bracket-style voting tournament, Marion will compete for the “Strongest […]
Stewart’s Root Beer Stand Celebrates 100th Year
Despite the February chill, Stewart’s Root Beer Stand at 1036 North Main Street opened to a packed lot for its 100th season. “The root beer comes in an ice-cold mug. It’s even colder today!” said owner Michelle Whitaker with a smile. Just like the 1950s, car hops still bring the food right to your car […]
Bowstrings: Hidden Caledonia Gem Celebrates 7 Years
On Valentine’s Day, the Douds family celebrated their labor of love. It marked the seventh year of Bowstring Bar and Grill serving the Caledonia community. Located at 109 North Water Street, Chef and General Manager Matt Douds grills steaks, tosses pizza dough and creates specials, such as a pickle bacon pizza and a bison sweet […]
Marion Senior Center Helps Seniors Thrive
One call to the Marion Senior Center can open doors to transportation, social services and fun. The center serves thousands of Marion County residents ages 60 and older. “I tell our drivers to treat the clients the way they want their own mother to be treated,” Steve Badertscher, director of the Marion Senior Center. 10,000 […]