For a decade, local football fans didn’t have to go to Columbus, Cincinnati, or Cleveland to watch a game. In 2006, the roar of the crowds and the thrill of the game happened at Veterans Memorial Coliseum at the Marion County Fairgrounds. The Marion Mayhem, a professional indoor arena football league, made its way to […]
Marion Victim Assistance Program Helps Local Survivors of Crime
For 35 years, the Marion Victim Assistance Program (VAP) has been a support and guide to local victims of crime. Betsy Abbott and Courtney Rittenour connect crime victims to resources including emergency assistance, emotional support, and guidance through the court system. These women have helped thousands of local victims of all types of crime, including […]
SBDC in Downtown Marion Helps Business Owners
The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) may be one of Marion’s best-kept secrets. Region 6 of the SBDC serves an eight-county area and operates a satellite office in the new Marion Tech Downtown location on the 2nd floor of 107 N. Main Street. Director, Michalina Lacy, is available there on the first Monday and third […]
Fostering a Better Community: Durain Family
Crystal and Devin Durain are changing lives, one foster child, at a time. The family opened their hearts and their home to children in need seven years ago as foster parents through Marion County Children’s Services. “We had difficulty conceiving at first, and we were planning to adopt,” said Crystal. “We took a class on […]
Local Referral Group Sees ROI
Shopping local and supporting area businesses is the sole focus of one community group. For nearly 20 years, the Marion Business Builders Chapter of Business Networking International (BNI) has worked to support others and refer customers to local members they know, like, and trust. Investing time in weekly meetings has paid off huge dividends for […]
MAPP: MarionMade! and a Model for Ohio Celebrating 40 Years
Marion is fortunate to have many thriving social service organizations. Marion Adolescent Pregnancy Program (MAPP) is proud to be MarionMade! and serving the community for over 40 years. Its founder, Dr. James Bazzoli, retired from the board of directors in January 2020, but this was his brainchild, and his knowledge and guidance over the years […]