Some innovative new programs at the Marion Municipal Court Probation Department are working to help their clients and the community. One program is paying dividends for downtown Marion. Those on probation can earn $10 an hour towards their fines through community service. Community service is also used as a probation sanction for negative behaviors and […]
The Marion Area Humane Society
If you’ve ever thought about adopting a cat or dog, you’ve likely visited the Marion Area Humane Society. Located at 2264 Richland Road since June of 1984, the shelter has been a staple in the community for Marion residents looking to adopt or surrender cats and dogs. The shelter is operated by passionate staff members […]
It Takes a Community to Provide Support
Most of our community think we understand what the Marion County Board of Developmental Disabilities (MCBDD) does to serve our county. This critical program is both simple and very complex in its services and mandates. While the concept of the Marion County Board of Developmental Disabilities (MCBDD) is very simple – they help people with […]
Ridgedale Lions Club
The Ridgedale Lions Club has been serving the community since 1964 and is one of six Lions Clubs in Marion County. Each of the local Lions clubs is part of Lions Clubs International, which is the largest service organization in the world with over 1.4 million members. Their mission is to empower volunteers to serve […]
Marion County Board of Elections
One of the important ways to love our community is to exercise your right to vote and make a difference. But for many of us, we don’t understand the behind the scenes work that takes place to make it possible. So we are sharing information about the Marion County Board of Elections. Each of Ohio’s […]
Horses Inspire Local Kids to Read
Dr. Lori Kepford, a Marion County native with a passion for horses, returned home from Kentucky, determined to make a difference in the lives of local children. Dr. Kepford founded Providence Therapeutic Equestrian Center (PTEC) in 2012. This non-profit offers Equine-Assisted Activities to people with special needs. “I have experienced the total benefit of the […]