Did you know Marion Township Fire Department’s Main Station has been located at 762 East Center Street since it opened in 1971? The fire station, also known as Station 1, stores the majority of the stations’ apparatus and is home to 15 full-time firefighter medics who report on their respective duty days. For several years, […]
MarionMade! Turns Two
MarionMade!– the community pride program that encourages all local residents to appreciate the people, places, products, and programs that make Marion unique–has , as of February 14, passed its second birthday. In that amount of time, volunteers have contributed 254 stories, covering all facets of community life in Marion County. “If you live, grew up, […]
Marion City Fire Department
Marion Fire Department Station 1, also known as Central Station, is located at 186 South Prospect Street in downtown Marion. Central Station is home to three crews of 35 cross-trained firefighter paramedics and emergency medical technicians, more commonly called EMTs. Station 1 has been at the Prospect Street location since 1912. It was also one […]
Music in Marion
Music has a long history in Marion–from the drum and bugle corps days of the Marion Cadets to school bands and show choirs to performers on the Palace stage and beyond. Most recently, the Harding High School band was welcomed home with much fanfare after coming in first place to perform at this year’s Outback […]
Buckeye Chuck
2019: NO SHADOW! EARLY SPRING! If it is February 2, it is Groundhog Day and that has special meaning in Marion, Ohio. Since 1979 and for 40 years, by proclamation of the State of Ohio, Buckeye Chuck has been Ohio’s official weather prognosticating groundhog. Buckeye Chuck studies weather patterns, jet stream anomalies, ocean currents…and naps […]
Ask any group of children what they want to be when they grow up, and one or more will inevitably answer “police officer.” Whether it’s the excitement of the position, the desire to help others, or both, for some, that desire to be a peace officer never fades. In Marion, the Citizen’s Police Academy and […]